Monday, February 28, 2011

Please oh please oh please!!!!

For a while I have been dying to get my hands on a little teacup Maltese puppy. My mother once saw her friend's Maltese and ever since then, we have been looking around for one too. Teacup means "small" so I can snuggle up with it. We would go on walks and long drives, and I would keep it oh so clean and dolled up. Of course, Jimmy is sure excited ;) Just take a look at these cuties!

My second choice would have to be a teacup Pomeranian. Though they aren't as nice, they are sure cute!

Looks like I'll have to save my monies on this one, pups run for about twelve hundred, yikes!

1 comment:

  1. Awwww! So dang cute! When you get one, invite us over to meet him/her!


Thank you for your kind words!