Sunday, December 26, 2010

More crafts

Sundays call for blogging...hence the 3 posts today...

The above pictures are of some recent hair accessories I have made. And yes, I wear the flowers quite often :)

How fun is this!? The result of having a few spare minutes one night this week. Ah yes, I rarely ever have spare time. And when I do, it should be focused on something more productive. But sometimes I get that spark of idea and have to act on it before it leaves my head! I took a newborn sized onesie and jazzed it up a bit. I think I have found myself a little project here.... :)

1 comment:

  1. A few spare minutes?! It would have taken me a good six hours to complete something like that, were it even possible for me to do that in the first place. I sure admire your ability to create and make these beautiful crafts and clothes. You're incredibly talented sis!


Thank you for your kind words!