Monday, June 10, 2013

our little adventure called the grotto

Jimmy took me on a little nature walk after church yesterday. He didn't tell me where we were going so I was pretty excited. All he told me was that he knew I would like it and that the trail was "kid friendly." He knows me well. ;)
Presenting: The Payson Grotto!


After our little adventure I kicked back with a little homemade peach-lemonade Popsicle. Just blended up 1 lemon + 1 peach + some water and poured into Popsicle molds to freeze. YUM!
BTW- Anybody know of any fun hidden hikes and locations close by? We are planning on hitting up a lot this summer and need ideas!



  1. What a fun little trip! We're hoping to get in a lot of fun hikes this summer too. We're going to aim for Stuart Falls again this year since last year the kids were too tired to finish and it was dark. The popsicles look yummy!!!

  2. Oh my goodness! That's where Carter proposed to me! Isn't it so pretty?? We haven't been back so I really enjoyed your photos!!!


Thank you for your kind words!